Welcome to our website!
Whats New
The Macphail centre is open and ready to take on new bookings!
We have made a few improvements, notably the site is now cross-browser friendly so, if you prefer, you can visit us via an ipad, android or mobile.
Our official email address has changed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For new events please visit Whats On and Learning.
Some new features to make the site more friendly for users as well as ourselves include new Past Events pages which have been divided into different time periods so it will be easier for you to browse through the archives. If you would like to share our events you can do so via the social media buttons located on the bottom right of the main pages.
For further information, please contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Macphail Centre is part of
Opening Hours
Tuesday-Friday- 09:00-13:00 (Booking led)
Weekend on request
Macphail Centre, Mill Street, Ullapool, IV26 2UN, 01854 613336. macphailcentre@highlifehighland.com
The Macphail Centre is overseen by the Macphail management committee and
receives support from High Life Highland and Creative Scotland
Venue for theatre, conferences, meetings, training and the performing arts